Yaya Blog

Why Kalymnos

August 15, 2023
Sea Lodges in Kalymnos

The idea to establish Chez Yaya Sea Lodges in Kalymnos originates from Stephan Boudonis himself, the passionate and visionary owner behind this inspiring project. Our collaboration has been forged through a shared vision to create a unique haven where travelers can rejuvenate amidst pristine nature while discovering the richness of the local culture.

Stephan, a close friend, with his extensive experience and deep knowledge of the island, convinced me that Kalymnos was the perfect place to bring this vision to life. His contagious enthusiasm for the island, his understanding of travelers’ needs, and his commitment to an authentic experience quickly convinced me to join this extraordinary venture.

His passion for Kalymnos is palpable, and his determination to preserve the natural environment while making a positive contribution to the local community has been the decisive factor for me. Stephan has meticulously crafted an atmosphere where every detail is thought out to offer guests an unforgettable stay.

Throughout our discussions and idea exchanges, I was captivated by Stephan’s vision and his genuine desire to make Chez Yaya Sea Lodges a sanctuary of tranquility where intimacy, freedom, and respect are at the core of the experience. His dedication to inclusive economy and nature preservation confirmed to me that this project goes beyond mere business – it is a true mission.

Ultimately, it is the friendship with Stephan Boudonis, his pioneering spirit, and his unwavering belief in Chez Yaya Sea Lodges that convinced me to embark on this beautiful journey. His bold vision and determination to create something exceptional have been the driving force behind this inspiring choice to make Kalymnos our flagship destination.

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Online Booking Request

Non-binding Pre-booking! We are delighted to announce that our online booking system will be up and running soon, as soon as the final details of the construction site are completed. In the meantime, you can make a pre-booking without any deposit required. This does not commit you to anything and guarantees you a privileged spot upon the official opening in March 2024.

We look forward to welcoming you soon!